Alley Cat Weed Wiper user guide

1. Liquid Pressure/Stainless Steel Flow Disc 

Liquid pressure, along with the size of the stainless steel flow disc will determine the flow rate of your weed wiper. This is very similar to a regular spray boom with nozzles. A higher flow disc number and higher pressure will cause your wiper panels to become more saturated. If you are using your wiper for selective weed extermination you may want to experiment with a lower flow disc number and lower pressure to achieve less dripping. For total weed kill applications we recommend 15-20 psi. For selective weed kill we recommend 10-15 psi See flow disc chart below to determine wiper flow rate.


Caution: Even with the lowest liquid pressure and the lowest # flow disc, some dripping will occur. Do not wipe weeds over the top of valuable crops or vegetation. As Injury can occur due to dripping.



 2. Determining Herbicide Strength

 The herbicide strength that you put through your weed wiper should be determined by the difficulty of the weed that you are trying to eliminate. This process is very similar to a regular spray boom with nozzles. A good average will range between 5%- 10% herbicide solution. It is highly recommended to start with a lower percentage solution (5-8%). The following are examples of herbicide percentages:


Ex 1 - 10 gallon tank with 5% herbicide solution would equal ½ gallon of herbicide and 9 ½ gallons of water.

Ex 2 -   10 gallon tank with 10 % herbicide solution would equal 1 gallon of herbicide and 9 gallons of water.


 3. Ground Speed

 Recommended ground speed for wiping weeds is 2.5 – 5 MPH


Caution: Do not drag weed wiper panels on asphalt or any road surface as damage to wiper panels will result. Always raise wiper panels off the ground when transporting wiper.


4. Filtration

Weed wipers comes with mesh screen filters located at every flow disc. These screen filters will prevent dirt and debris from passing through the flow disc and clogging it. Be sure to clean filter often. In addition, always fill the supply tank with clean water.


Caution: If the stainless steel flow disc becomes clogged, weed wiper will not perform properly.            


 5. Flow Disc/ Manifold Boom Maintenance

Do not clean weed wiper flow disc with pick or screw driver as this will damage the flow disc. A small, soft strand of copper wire or a stiff tooth brush should work best. Supplied mesh screens are very fine and should be inspected for sand and debris regularly. Although screen filters may appear to be clean, they could be clogged with debris. Always flush screen filters with water and brush with stiff tooth brush at the same time. Slight increase in weed wiper flow pressure may indicate that the screen filters are clogged and should be cleaned. To clean weed wiper manifold boom, unscrew the ½ inch caps on both ends and flush with water hose. When storing wiper, rinse with water, hang to dry and store out of direct sunlight. Proper care will extend life of your weed wiper.



6. Height Adjustment 

For normal row middle applications it is best to drag weed wipers about half of the blue nylon panels on the ground. For selective weed control you should raise the weed wiper panels up off the ground until you reach the desired weed height.